Leon Vogels
APA Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist / Director
WAIS Provider & Senior Australian Rowing Physiotherapist
Leon has a post graduate qualification with a Masters Degree in Sports Physiotherapy from La Trobe University in Melbourne (2007).
Completing his undergraduate training in Perth with a Bachelor of Science (Physiotherapy 1998), Leon then spent 11 years in Brisbane working with various sporting teams including the Brisbane Lions AFL Team, The Australian Triathlon Team and Queensland Triathlon and Rowing as well as a physiotherapist at Australian Team Headquarters, London and Rio Olympics.
Leon is currently one of the Physiotherapists for the Senior Australian Rowing Team, WAIS Cycling & Rowing.
In addition to standard Physiotherapy, Leon also provides Bike Fits – Biomechanical Assessments of Cycling, having worked with Pro-Tour cycling teams and Australian Team members.
*Please note: Leon is happy to discuss, where appropriate, queries relating to bike set ups and recommendations outside of appointments. However, due to increasing time spent on these, a small fee will now apply - $20 per 10 minute block.
*Leon does not participate in the HCF More for Muscles program